Toddler Classroom

Busy B.E.E.’s™

Toddlers begin their road to success as they are introduced to our exclusive toddler curriculum, Busy B.E.E.’s™. Verbal communication and interaction are encouraged in an environment rich in opportunities for social exploration and language development. Your toddler will enjoy learning through stories, music, classic nursery rhymes, sensory and art activities, sign language and games with experienced and loving teachers guiding the way. Daily notes are sent home to keep you actively involved in your Toddlers day.

Toddler Classroom ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 8:30am Exploration Play/Diaper Changes
8:30am – 9:00am Music, Movement, and Manipulatives
9:00am – 9:30am Morning Snack & Water Break
9:30am – 10:00am Outside Gross Motor Play
10:00am – 10:20am Circle Time
10:20am – 10:40am Creative Art Expression
10:40am – 11:05am Diaper Changes/Storybook Reading
11:05am – 11:10am Wash Hands for Lunch

11:10am – 12:00pm Lunch!
12:00pm – 2:15pm Restful Naptime
2:15pm – 2:50pm Wake Up/Diaper Changes/Sensory Play
2:50pm – 3:20pm Outside Gross Motor Play
3:20pm – 3:45pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break
3:45pm – 5:00pm Puzzles, Puppets and Playtime
5:00pm – 5:30pm Clean Up/Diaper Changes
5:30pm – 6:00pm Storybook Reading/Time to go home!

Junior Preschool Classroom
(2-3 year olds)

B.E.E. Your Best in Junior Preschool℠

Our B.E.E. Curriculum℠ continues to engage your child in the junior preschool program, B.E.E. Your Best in Jr. Preschool℠. Your junior preschooler will learn early preschool concepts and skills such as colors, shapes and numbers and also discover possibilities in art, sensory, music, literature, rhymes, finger plays, language and listening, dramatic play and large motor skill games. We encourage developing social skills through interactive play.

Junior Preschool Classroom ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 8:30am Puzzles, Puppets and Playtime
8:30am – 9:00am Exploration Play/One-on-One Potty Training
9:00am – 9:30am Morning Snack & Water Break
9:30am – 10:00am Circle Time/Creative Art Expression
10:00am – 10:30am Outside Gross Motor Play
10:30am – 11:05am One-on-One Potty Training/Storytime
11:05am – 11:10am Wash Hands for Lunch

11:10am – 11:40pm Lunch!
11:40pm – 12:00pm One-on-One Potty Training
12:00pm – 12:15pm Storybook Reading
12:15pm – 2:30pm Restful Naptime
2:30pm – 3:00pm Wake Up/Potty Training/Fine Motor Play
3:00pm – 3:30pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break
3:30pm – 4:00pm Outside Gross Motor Play
4:00pm – 5:00pm Music, Movement, and Manipulatives
5:00pm – 5:30pm Clean Up/ One-on-One Potty Training

Preschool Classroom
(3-4 year olds)

B.E.E. Your Best in Preschool℠

Your preschooler will thrive from our B.E.E. Your Best in Preschool℠, an extensive hands-on learning curriculum that includes work habits, mathematical reasoning, history and geography, language, music and art, as well as autonomy and social skills through nationally-recognized programs, Core Knowledge® and Get Set for School®.

Preschool Classroom ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 8:45am Exploration Play
8:45am – 9:00am Potty Break!
9:00am – 9:30am Outside Gross Motor Play
9:30am – 9:45am Morning Snack & Water Break
9:45am – 10:00am Circle Time
10:00am – 10:30am Music and Movement
10:30am – 10:45am Potty Break!
10:45am – 11:25am Creative Arts/Learning Centers
11:25am – 11:30am Wash Hands for Lunch

11:30am – 12:00pm Lunch!
12:00pm – 12:20pm Potty Break! / Quiet Independent Reading
12:20pm – 12:30pm Storybook Reading
12:30pm – 2:30pm Restful Naptime
2:30pm – 3:00pm Wake Up/ Potty Break!/Puzzles
3:00pm – 3:30pm Outside Gross Motor Play
3:30pm – 4:00pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break

Pre-Kindergarten Classroom
(4-5 year olds)

B.E.E. Your Best in

When children reach pre-kindergarten, they begin to develop their school readiness skills – building independent work habits, functioning and working constructively in a group setting using appropriate social skills, demonstrating correct pencil grip and beginning to develop phonetic discrimination skills. B.E.E. Your Best in Pre-Kindergarten℠ continues to incorporate history and geography, music and art, as well as autonomy and social skills through Core Knowledge®. To prepare for kindergarten, the specially trained pre-kindergarten teachers build an educational foundation by teaching core skill areas through the addition of nationally-recognized programs, Everyday Mathematics® and Handwriting Without Tears®.

Pre-Kindergarten Classroom ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 9:30am Attendance, Creative Arts, Small Centers
9:30am – 9:45am Potty Break
9:45am – 10:00am Morning Snack & Water Break
10:00am – 10:30am Circle Time
10:30am – 10:40am S-T-R-E-T-C-H Break / Music & Movement
10:40am – 11:00am Language & Literacy Centers
11:00am – 11:20am Science & Math Learning Centers
11:20am – 11:30am Potty Break
11:30am – 12:00pm Outside Gross Motor Play

12:00pm – 12:30pm Lunch!
12:30am – 2:30pm Restful Naptime (State requires naps, through Pre-K year)
2:30pm – 3:00pm Wake Up, Bathroom Break, Table Learning Games
3:00pm – 3:15pm Daily Wrap-Up
3:15pm – 3:30pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break
3:30pm – 4:00pm Potty Break / Outside Gross Motor Play
4:00pm – 5:30pm Children’s Choice: Music, Movement, Manipulatives / Games / Free Art Expression
5:30pm – 6:00pm Storybook Reading/Time to go home!

Kindergarten Classroom
(5-6 Year Olds)

B.E.E. Your Best in Kindergarten℠

Our kindergarten teacher is certified/licensed through the Colorado Department of Early Childhood and has extensive teaching experience in the classroom. Our low child-to-teacher ratio enables your child to enjoy a quality kindergarten experience where reading, writing, and math skills are emphasized. B.E.E. Your Best in Kindergarten℠ ensures a strong academic foundation for future success by utilizing nationally-recognized programs such as Bridges Mathematics® and Handwriting Without Tears® as well as our custom curricula that encompasses science, language art, visual/performance arts, social studies, and physical education. We worked extensively with neighboring elementary schools to ensure our Kindergarteners are being taught all they need to succeed when they transition over. Our fine-tuned curriculum mirrors or exceeds area school districts and state standards.

Kindergarten Classroom ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 8:30am Attendance, Small Group Centers
8:30am – 8:45am Potty Break
8:45am – 9:00am Circle Time, Morning Message
9:00am – 9:15am Morning Snack & Water Break
9:15am – 9:45am Math Learning Centers
9:45am – 10:45am Literacy Rotations (Reading Groups, Independent Reading, Technology)
10:45am – 11:15am Potty Break / Outside Physical Education
11:15am – 12:00pm Writing Rotations (HWT, Journaling, Sight Word Practice)

12:00pm – 12:30pm Lunch!
12:30am – 1:00pm Outside Gross Motor Play
1:00pm – 1:45pm Potty Break / Quiet Reading, Relax Time
1:45pm – 2:30pm Science/Social Studies
2:30pm – 3:00pm Music & Movement, Creative Arts, Centers
3:00pm – 3:15pm Daily Wrap-Up
3:15pm – 3:30pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break
3:30pm – 4:00pm Potty Break / Outside Gross Motor Play
4:00pm – 5:30pm Choice: Music, Movement, Manipulatives / Games / Free Art Expression
5:30pm – 6:00pm Storybook Reading/Time to go home!

(5-10 Years)

Before & After School Care

We offer an exceptional before and after care program for children between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. Your child is able to participate in a safe and stimulating environment before and after a full day of school. We provide your child with transportation to and from school, an afternoon snack and an afternoon enrichment program. Time is provided for those children who need to work on their homework. The children participate in an informal and relaxed atmosphere of planned and supervised activities. On days when school is closed, we schedule fun and educational field trips, activities, and structured programs designed for the children’s enjoyment.

Before & After School Program ~ A Typical Day

6:30am – 8:30am Drop-Off / Children’s Choice Centers
8:40am – 9:00am Bus Transportation to School(s)

3:00pm – 3:45pm Bus Transportation Pick-Up from School(s)
3:45pm – 4:30pm Afternoon Snack & Water Break / Outside Time
4:30pm – 5:00pm Homework / Fine Motor Children’s Choice Centers
5:00pm – 6:00pm Creative Arts / Dramatic Play / Time to go home!

Immediate One and Two-Year Old Opening--Call Today to Schedule A Tour!